Our beloved friend, brother, and uncle, Robin “Rob” Martin Nicholas, of Santa Fe New Mexico, passed away suddenly and unexpectedly of natural causes August 15th, 2024 in bed at his home of 30 years, at the age of 72. He was alone and all indications are that it was peaceful.
Please visit https://tinyurl.com/Rob-Nicholas-Memorial to share your memories of Robin and read more about his life.
Memorial services are planned for the afternoon of May 3, 2025, in Santa Fe at the Hyde State Park Lodge. Specific times will be shared on Robin’s memorial page.
Born November 7, 1951 in Elgin, Illinois, to Sam and Lucille Nicholas, both deceased. He is survived by his brother, David (Lynn) Nicholas; niece, Alicia Nicholas (Troy Held); nephew, Eric Sophiea; and step-nephew, James Redding. Robin was a member of the Screen Actors Guild, an award-winning safety film producer, and a loving, caring, generous friend to many people.Rob graduated in 1970 from Larkin H.S. in Elgin, attended USC from 1970 to 1972 before enrolling in Prescott College in Arizona, where he graduated with an BA in Biology and Geology in 1974. In 1986 he published his Master’s thesis completing studies at University of Colorado in Boulder with a Master of Arts in geomorphology, doing much of his thesis research in Canyonlands National Park, Utah.
Throughout his life, Robin had 39 jobs. This was a badge of honor for him. From being a page for U.S. Senator Dirksen in 1968; river raft guiding and fighting forest fires in the 70s; acting in film and performing in theater in the 80s; creating award winning safety videos for Los Alamos National Laboratory from 1989 through 2014; to his most recent work consulting and advising on worker well-being, health, and safety, Robin engaged in life and his work from his heart.

Core Values in the Time of Covid
As a result of the pandemic, people are seeing more clearly what work — and workers — are essential to our survival…more
5 Quotes for Being at Work
This is a simple and informal way to be at work, letting people know that they are seen and heard. This is where the real work happens…more
Work Culture – Personal values and experiences
Work culture is about how people experience their work, and ideally, how people can flourish in their work…more
Why We Work
Work is not who we are. But in its most ideal setting, work can be an opportunity to express who we are…more
Dignity Is a Safe Work Practice
For the wellbeing of each worker, we must engage the entire person. In addition to physical safety, we need to provide psychological and emotional safety for each worker. Simply, we must provide dignity…more
Creativity and Bureaucracy
When we use all the tools that we need, including our creativity, our work supports our wellbeing and we are at our best…more
Timing Is Everything
Communicating our core human values must come first. By establishing dignity, respect, and wellbeing for each individual in the beginning, we create an environment where workers can thrive and bring their own personal commitment and passion to their work…more
The Experience of Work
At its best, work can provide an opportunity for us to experience and explore ourselves through our work …more
39 Jobs
Life and work are personal, they evolve simultaneously. But work, as in life, is both objective and personal. We expand ourselves when we include our personal experiences at work, because those experiences are often what we remember most…more

A look at being truly human at work with all of our human strengths and weaknesses…more
Human Beings 1 — Working together
Human Beings 2 — What happens before mistakes?
Work culture is about how we experience our work, and ideally, flourish in our work…more
Work Culture — Personal values and experiences
The Experience of Work — The whole person
Creativity & Timing — Brainstorming
An introduction to industrial hygiene and how it protects all of us at work…more
Produced by – American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA)
Articles and Presentations
Wellbeing at Work During Covid — Meeting Core Values
Key emotions underly our good work…more
Work Culture — A Summary
Experiences and values lie at the core of any work culture…more
Beyond the Intellect
Communicating core values to support worker wellbeing…more
Worker Values and Culture
Safety communication that goes directly to workers and their values…more
Management and Community
Placing people first to create safety and wellbeing…more
Tools for you to use or adapt to your specific needs…more
Core Values at Work
Interest Group
A new group to promote people’s core values of dignity and respect at work…more
Upcoming Events
ICOH 2024 – Morocco
34th International Congress for Occupational Health…more